
I am an amateur gardener: playing in the dirt is fun for me.    As winter descends upon us bringing freezing temperatures, my colorful plants freeze and I begin the work of cutting back the frozen plants leaving bare spots and brown and gray stalks behind.  When I drive through my neighborhood, I see homes planted with pansies and snap dragons and the like to bring color to their yards.  It is beautiful and causes me to consider doing the same every year but in the end I don’t.

You see, I’m not uncomfortable with barren beds.  In fact the gray and browns of winter bring me comfort and remind me that each living thing needs rest and that includes you and me.  Even during winter, my plants are getting stronger and preparing to burst forth with life and color as the cold gray days turn to warmth and color.  They seemingly pause to be in the presence of God the Creator and just about when we think winter will never end, the warm air returns.  My Japanese Magnolia is the first to announce the change with beautiful magenta blooms.

I wonder if our joy as spring unfolds would be as great if the colors of spring and summer remained all year long?  Would we notice God’s magnificent creative beauty or would we take it fore granted because it would be a staple in our lives all year long?  I don’t know about you but I have been known to get so busy with life that I forget to pay attention to my surroundings.  In winter, in the midst of gray and brown and barrenness, I notice not only what is not there, but also what is covered up by the colors and life of spring and summer: the twisted limbs of a tree normally hidden by leaves; bird nests waiting to be occupied by another family; mistletoe growing in the top of a tree.

Life is not always exciting and colorful.  Sometimes it can be hard, lonely, gray, brown, and barren.   Winter can be a time of growth and strengthening or a time of rest and reflection.  But the good news is that our God who created all of nature and all of life is present in all of those times. Sometimes God’s presence is loud and strong and sometimes God’s presence is soft and quiet.  But rest assured God is with you.  God is with me.  God is.
